"Girls" is a series of line-contour drawings by the artist Katie Dunkle as she studies sensuous female figures found in pornographic imagery. Katie examines amateur pornographic photograph and then “blindly” or without looking at her canvas, she abstracts the nude imagery into a continuous lyrical line drawing utilizing ink, chalk pastel, graphite and watercolor. These unapologetically raw creations focus on the realization that women viewed in pornography are usually perceived as mere objects. Katie's intent is that by re-creating these women in grotesquely beautiful and strangely familiar drawings the viewer can step back from the imagery of naked females and reconsider what it means to pose nude for the visual stimulation of others.

The inspiration for this project is as endless as the insatiable urge of humanities demand for sexual stimulation. Katie's intent is that by creating the artwork in "Girls" she can invoke a normally barricaded world of intellectual conversation about what is considered a private and controversial subject. Katie is honored to gaze upon these nameless women and breathe life back into them as they become much more than just a naked woman.